Dental implants are titanium screws inserted into the jawbone as the replacement for the lost tooth root. One implant can replace only one missing tooth. Several implants can support a dental bridge attached to them. There is also a possibility of retention of the complete dental prosthesis, especially lower ones, with two or more implants depending on the bone condition of a patient. After such procedure, the prosthesis is fixed to the implants which gives the patient the feeling of security and ease while eating and contacting with other people.
The first stage is surgical, it is done in local anaesthesia and it lasts from 30 to 60 minutes. In this stage an implant is inserted into the jawbone, it is covered with mucosa and is left healing for 3 to 6 months to become osseointegrated or anchored to the jawbone. In some cases a temporary crown can be placed on an implant immediately after its insertion or in one visit to the dentist a tooth can be extracted and an implant can immediately be inserted into a tooth socket (alveolus).
In the next stage the implant is revealed under the mucosa and a healing cap is put on it for mucosa to heal around it. After that an implant abutment and a dental crown are made.
The age limit for implant insertion is almost not determined. Some of the obstacles for their insertion are systemic illnesses or not fully completed growth and development.
Oral hygiene is very important for dental implants. It is one of the most important elements of successful implantology.
The advantage of MDI usage (which are only 1, 8 – 2, 4 mm in size) is a minimally invasive embedding procedure which is done in just one visit to the dentist. Immediately after the embedding, a complete denture can be placed on them and be instantly in function. Apart from being a financially acceptable solution, the problems of bad retention and stabilisation are solved in this way, especially with lower dentures.